Beyond the Bar
Gabriel Sepulveda-Sanchez is the founder and CEO of Sepulveda Sanchez Law, PC. Sepulveda Sanchez Law is a INC 500 national law firm that specializes in catastrophic injury litigation. Sepulveda Sanchez Law, PC is known for its rapid growth, innovation and commitment to serve those who have suffered catastrophic personal injury. Gabriel is passionate about the legal profession, law firm growth, business, and self development. This is Beyond the Bar, providing you a different perspective of the legal profession.
Beyond the Bar
The business of death: What happens after death?
Sepulveda Sanchez Law
Season 1
Episode 1
On this episode of Beyond the Bar, I invite Ruben Sanchez, Superintendent of the Stockton Rural Cemetery. Ruben has worked in the cemetery business for over 25 years, and has a unique perspective on the subject of death, avoiding conflict after death, and what his customers are seeking when it comes to finding a lawyer to represent them in wrongful death matters.